Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Reflections

In Relief Society on Sunday the teacher handed out a piece of paper with 90 spaces for each of us to list all of the things we were grateful for in 2008. I haven't started it yet, but I thought about it and at the very top would be my two amazing children. I wrote these poems earlier this year about each of them. There is so much to be grateful for. I hope we can reflect on the past year and find many joys.

A Breath (For Markessa)

I realized time slips away so easily and you grow up more every day.
Taking moments to a far distant place, where I long to go and stay.
Now I know - every second is so rare, as I catch myself stop and stare
At your beauty and zest for life, I wonder what I've missed so far.
I can't take for granted what has been given to me
So I stop and look - watch and see.
Then almost like slow motion it seemed - time held its breath for me.

Sweet Wonder (For Grady)

Sweet baby, sweet wonder
It's you that brings me peace
When I can't sleep - I rock you
I hold you and look into your eyes
You look back with awe
Sweet baby, sweet wonder
I need you more than you need me
I can't wait till morning, so for now
I'll just dream


  1. That is some beautiful writing Jessica! I am so lame and haven't been able to find your blog since mine got toasted, but then I realized I can look on Tia & Mindee's. I am a little slow. hehe. It is so great to see your beautiful little kids, they seriously are adorable. Now, I will be able to keep checking up on you guys :) Looks like you had a great Christmas

  2. What beautiful poetry. I haven't looked at anyone's blog since we moved so it was fun to catch up on so many great pictures of my little prince and princess!

  3. Hey Jessica...we miss you already!! I am trying to upload my pictures from our trip to post and it's not working so well. Carter is sitting on my lap looking at the pictures of Kessa and Grady and I know he misses everyone too! Our break went by too fast!! I'll call you soon (We are finally getting back to normal after unpacking and jetlag and grocery shopping which is EXTRA fun such thing as one stop shopping here!) talk to you soon
