Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trunkin and Treatin

So I pretty much wanted to pull my hair out by the time we made it to the church and then my sweet little Annie Oakley started crying again. This time she actually had a reason to cry. The whole crew dressed up in Country attire and we were supposed to get our pictures taken in the back of my sisters truck on a bale of hay with a bunch of pumpkins. Well we were late, my favorite thing, and it was too dark to get pictures, but I had to stop off at the truck and drop off my jacket. A local dog started to bark, something caught Markessa's attention and BAM!! she ran into the tale gate and cut her nose and started screaming. Of course I had no hands to pick her up until we got inside. Now this was not the first time her nose bled today. We went to Jaden's basketball game and she and Shay found a bunch of little girls to play with, on the bleachers, surprise, surprise!! Out of the five girls mine had to be the one to trip and fall on her face and get a bloody nose. She bounced back quickly though. Anyway, dinner was utter chaos, an extension of getting ready, so I was thrilled when we finally went trunk or treating. Markessa is the ever polite trick or treater always saying thank you. Last year she said, "Trick or Treat, please." At every door.

1 comment:

  1. Cute costumes. Good job on making Kessa's, I will never be that talented and I think I have finally just accepted it!
